The U.S. healthcare system is plagued by inefficiencies, soaring costs, and deteriorating outcomes per dollar invested. With healthcare expenditures surpassing…
Author: cdarby
How Will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? Part 5
In Part 4, we stated our belief that the future of healthcare belongs to the consumer. How AI is used…
How Will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? Part 4
Those of us that have been around a while can likely recall special events that captured the imagination of everyone.…
How will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? Part 3
The momentum on AI continues to accelerate and everyone from Elon Musk with Steve Wozniak (Apple Co-Founder), to Bill Gates…
How will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? Part 2
Since our last blog on this new subject on AI, I must admit to being stunned by the accelerating number…
How Will Artificial Intelligence AI Impact Healthcare? (Part 1)
It is nearly impossible to read any business news without running across the new ways that the OpenAI® ChatGPT® 2023,…